Monday, June 18, 2007


At seventeen
No thought was clean,
So close to purity of thought.

At eighteen
stuck in between,
never understood what she had wrought.

At twenty-one
So much fun
Oh, he really is the one!

At twenty-three,
Does he love me?

At twenty five,
Again -
Does he love me?

At twenty-seven,
Does it matter?

At thirty-four,
Not any more.

At nearly forty,
What will I do?
So filled with doubt.
Uncertain – Fool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this one because with so few words, you just told a lifetime of thoughts. The difference that just a few short years can make on our outlook or on our selves in general just blows me away, and how most of the time we never recognize the profound changes in our thought processes and our views until much later. Than, we are flabbergasted and wonder when in the hell we changed so much that we don't even know the person we were anymore. Maybe we don't want to remember who we were, but to become who we ARE, we must acknowledge the journey of who we were.