Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Halfway stopped
by the chair
his door hangs loose on hinges.
Used to swing
across castle moats,
crocodile rivers,
whatever he imagines.

In the closet crowded with whims,
Where his clothes
ought to be,

Sculptures carved
in walls,
Painted his favorite hues
Red. Greens, and blues,

On the floor,
yesterdays underwear,
this mornings towel
Today’s T-shirt & jeans,
No shoes to be seen.
Piles of discarded days,

Inked bed frame
proclaim words forbidden,

On the window sill
his latest Lego creation
next to dishes of crumbs not allowed.

Moonlight shadows
soften her mood.

On his bed
with blankets bunched
Softly sleeping,
his tousled head askew.
No sign of his mischievous might,
small hand, a tender touch,

Oh, how much he’s grown.

This son holds his mothers heart.
Something she’s always known.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet I know who this is about. I didn't tell you this before, cause I was just a tad tipsy, but I WILL be reading every single entry and probably posting my thoughts on each and every one of them. So be prepared for bunches of Felicia's Nonsense. lol
Talk to you soon, have a great time at the relative's tomorrow.

Hope said...

I just want to write!

Anonymous said...

I know you do, and you will. Maybe you need one of those little tiny voice recorders. Small enough to slip into your pocket, and keep with you always. Not too pricey, saw them in the bookstore at school. You'll keep writing for a long time, I think. Cause there's still so much of you left to give. And it's all beautiful. Your writing makes me happy. And thoughtful.